Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hyacinth watercolour

My first watercolour in a very L-O-N-G time... I thoroughly enjoyed doing it, once the beginner nerves and pangs of anxiety were overcome. My b/w sketch below - the balance of the picture is more accurate. Here I made the blossoms huge and didn't leave enough room for the tall green leaves. Four days after the b/w sketch, the flowers lowered themselves to touching the table. I wasn't able to come up with the delicate shade of lavender... Since its January and quite grey and rainy outside, I worked under a very bright spot light.


Vivienne said...

Hey Gin these are wonderful. I love the vibrant colour, especially with the blue touches, and the bowing and scraping is much more exciting than if they were pinned up.
Cath is the queen of the hyacinth- in-a-glass-jar, where the roots are amazing,and must tell us how to do it, as I try nearly every year, and they just rot!

Cathy Gatland said...

Wowww, Ginny - that is really a lovely painting - I like the unusual presentation of the drooping flowers and the leaves shooting up off the top. I'm glad you eventually enjoyed it too!
I seem to have stopped having success with hyacinths in glass - don't use the right pebbles or something, but they haven't been very happy the last couple of times :(

Gillian said...

Thank you sisters, for your encouragement! Yes, I do now appreciate the graceful swoop of the blooms growing horizontally. Had to get used to the idea, I guess.
I remember Cath's hyacinths in the glass vase too. So pretty. I'll have to check on GOOGLE and see if there's any good advice on how to do that.