Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I want my sisters to know I tried 10 minutes of sketching on Saturday afternoon - on a constantly moving model. Russ was busy fixing a table that fell apart when Stef and I were moving it. He was very gracious about his rather space alien appearance in the upper left!
I've started on a water colour of a sunrise cactus... But simply HAD to clean up 4 months of pile up on my desk first. Hopefully this will help me feel like I can spend time painting with a clear conscience!


Cathy Gatland said...

Good girl! Those are certainly recognisable of Russ - albeit one slightly other-planety. The bottom left is excellent. Most of the sketches/paintings I start of Bruce are halted by him with moans of 'No, I don't look like that/that's horrible' etc. So we have no CPG renditions of BFG. Enjoy the cactus..

Vivienne said...

Yay! They are great and yes, very much Russ. Now WHY does the alien still look like Russ??? The earthly version with his trusty hammer is super. I found some old ones of Johnny that I now think are OK really, and an honest effort... at the time he was going, "am I THAT ugly?".

Cathy Gatland said...

er-hm hm's been two weeks.