Thursday, July 17, 2008

Home for the summer 4

Stefan allowed me five minutes for this little sketch. He gave a quick look at my effort and said indignantly "What's with my MOUTH...?!?" He has beautiful Mick Jagger'ish lips (which I think I've mentioned in a past post) and he does purse them when he's playing his guitar, like he's about to kiss someone. I as his mother, of course think its adorable. Clearly he's not amused by my rendering of the above. He has had his hair cut in a mohawk for the summer, and then requested the comb part to be dyed blond, which his sister willingly and happily did for him. In this sketch his mohawk has not been glued (and I do mean GLUED) into the upright position. Ah summer time - we spend a lot of time couped up in the house as here in Texas it is SO HOT outside. And we get on each others' nerves. But I know I'll look back on these years and ache for them, at some point!


Cathy Gatland said...

I always wondered what mohawks looked like without the glue! :o) This is an excellent drawing - I have such a precious memory of him at about 6 or 7 sitting on the steps at KB, singing, 'Lone-ly, I'm Mr Lone-leee' with those gorgeous lips curling around each vowel - could've made a stone melt!

Gillian said...

Oh that is hysterical. Times with relatives are so important - not for just the obvious - but also because they ( especially YOU, Cath) notice and remember different things. I'm racking my brain trying to remember him singing Mr. Lonely!! I'd LOVE to have a memory of THAT!

Vivienne said...

Hi there Gin. Hey I can remember a few things too! Like Brian and ? (Carly, Kirsty?) and "I think they're in LOVE". What a sweetheart he is.
Talking of remembering... a certain 21st ... I remembered on-the-road, where it was impossible to get a quick message, having failed the slow mail test. I hope it was a happy day and much love to Miss VH

Gillian said...

Hi Viv,
Nice to see your encouraging comments and to be in touch again. Thanks for the 21st wishes for YMRH. We're having a BBQ for the occasion this evening. Am a bit nervous! Hope you're having a wonderful time on your trip. And thanks for another funny memory about my "little" boy! His hysterical comments and musings did come out so often, as Hilary once said, there were too many to write down!