Saturday, October 11, 2008

Martha & Mary

I almost forgot how to post something - it's been so long... This is a doodle I did a couple of years ago. I had no idea what I was aiming for; I was simply enjoying the soft facial shapes in brush + ink. I look at it now and feel it tells a little story. Martha on the left looking into to the face of her family and duty to feed, nourish, clean and clothe... And Mary looking wistfully off into another direction! She looks a bit sad. This time of year brings on huge anxiety for me for some reason, I can't quite fathom. The holidays just around the corner - a time to spend with family and friends is something I look forward to. Along with it -the frantic busyness, all the - this and that - endless lists of must do items and happenings... Maybe this financial rocking of the boat will help us all focus on a simpler, quieter time with our loved ones.


Cathy Gatland said...

I think just enjoying shapes and enjoying the medium is the heart of art-making - and often results in something special that seems to come from somewhere else! This does tell a story, so touchingly - the expressions speak a 1000 words!
Yes, the silly season is almost upon us (I haven't let it enter my conciousness yet) - we've done simpler and quieter for a couple of years now, and it's a pleasant relief - but I do long for a family gathering near a beach!

Vivienne said...

September is a restless month I thought, then remembered it is October. Also a restless month. Windy.
Martha and Mary is a lovely medley of thought and line, line and thought. Do you remember Mum making a tapestry cushion for the DSG chapel, as part of an Old Girls' thing .. she chose St Martha, as patron saint of housewives ... rather ruefully! I was always a bit miffed about Jesus' remark to Martha .. kinda "get back in kitchen where you belong, and don't you feel jealous of your cooler sister chatting with the smart people".Hmm. I have a vague panic in there about Christmas and my Martha-tasks, though the family's getting good about pitching in (I hope!)

Anonymous said...

I love your playing with lines here, doodling... actually, it has a sort of "Picasso"- feel to it? Why not put a frame on it, I think you wouldn't see it as doodles then any more!