Thursday, July 17, 2008

Home for the summer 4

Stefan allowed me five minutes for this little sketch. He gave a quick look at my effort and said indignantly "What's with my MOUTH...?!?" He has beautiful Mick Jagger'ish lips (which I think I've mentioned in a past post) and he does purse them when he's playing his guitar, like he's about to kiss someone. I as his mother, of course think its adorable. Clearly he's not amused by my rendering of the above. He has had his hair cut in a mohawk for the summer, and then requested the comb part to be dyed blond, which his sister willingly and happily did for him. In this sketch his mohawk has not been glued (and I do mean GLUED) into the upright position. Ah summer time - we spend a lot of time couped up in the house as here in Texas it is SO HOT outside. And we get on each others' nerves. But I know I'll look back on these years and ache for them, at some point!

Home for the summer 3

Our daughter turns 21 tomorrow. I've been meaning to draw her for ages and finally made the time to do it. It's wonderful to have her home for a bit, even though at times she still seems "far away" as these sketches suggest. This age of amazing technology insulate our children in their own private worlds. (Great for when you want to sketch them!) I found the downward look of her eyes, as she focused on her "Apple" and "Blackberry" quite difficult to draw. None of my 3 sketches really look like her, but there are glimpses of familiarity in each.

Home for the summer 2

This is what the LORD says:
"Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16

On a spiritual note, I read this scripture about a month ago and loved it. It struck a chord deep in my heart. Refreshing, like cold water splashed in the face. I have written it in a few recent graduation cards and made it a prayer for my own children. Then last Sunday we visited a church we are considering joining and the pastor spoke his sermon on this scripture! He explained that he'd put a planned sermon (they were working their way through one of the N.T. books) on the back burner, because he felt led by the Lord to speak on Jeremiah 6:16. I was touched and delighted and hung on every spoken word. I love it when God does this for us!

Home for the summer 1

You are the Apple of my Eye!